Time flies. November, huh. Wow. I knew I'd been gone awhile but that's almost abandonment. I've been working on a couple writing related "projects." The first project led to the second and so on. Momentum. I rely on it, possibly too much, whether I'm doing multiple sets of squat jumps in bootcamp, making my son's new bedding, or writing. Personally, I like to mix my momentum with caffeine.
This current wave of momentum started while reading a series of fiction books, and it wasn't really the books so much as how the books came to be that got me writing again. Well, it really just got me wondering which led to thinking then research and list-making but finally writing! This blog was a product of that.
Back to my absence though, the first project I mentioned above was getting nearly a years worth of The Writer magazine from the library. I read each one; I knew I'd forget what I read in which month so I took notes, which ranged from article titles (items I might want to re-read) to websites (including those that offer online writing courses) and book suggestions. I should have reserved these in small chunks. I didn't realize I'd have less time with a periodical than a book and I found it difficult even with the renewal option to get through them all. I ended up getting a subscription of my own as a holiday gift, admittedly it was a gift from myself.
Speaking of the holidays, I lost a little momentum there. My lack of posts here is evident of that. I needed a way to keep going and I knew it needed to be an outside force. I still lack the internal force necessary and I'm not sure yet why that is. I revisited my 'The Writer notebook,' specifically looking for the list of online classes. I'm surrounded by universities here, but I was looking for something different. I may very well end up in an Intro to Fiction class someday but that's not what I wanted.
I don't do resolutions each year but I do make a vision board. As usual this year's has a variety of items on it but unlike last year's buckshot approach, I pared back this time. Focus is one of my goals. My board this year is clean and colorful, hopeful and serene, and focused. I love to look at it every day.
Knowing my priorities helped me focus when looking at the e-class offerings. I didn't want to spend a lot of time or money. I also wanted what money I spent to be an investment with measurable results. I opted for
Christina Katz's class Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff (Especially for Moms). The class lasted six weeks, and I learned more than I expected. I'll be writing more about it in my next post, which will be soon, very soon. I will say though that the class was definitely an outside force and I feel a stronger renewed sense of momentum. I'm excited and hopeful.